Monday 1 October 2012

Task 1- Getting to know Blogger!

Here is a tutorial on how to use blogger:

Things you can do with blogger:
  • You can share images with the public.
  • You can share videos with the public.
  • You can connect with others.
  • You can use Blogger to earn money.
  • The public can subscribe to your blog.
  • You can look at other people's blogs.
  • You can create a team blog (you and others can blog together.)
  • You can use it all for free!
I got all of this information from

How I think Blogger will be useful for my coursework:
  • It will be easy for my teacher to view my work.
  • I will be able to share my work with the public.
  • Blogger is easy to use.
  • I will be able to add videos and images quickly.
  • I can post from home in my spare time.
  • I can choose my own template so it can be set out neatly.
  • I can edit it whenever I want.
  • You can upload photoshop images and youtube videos.


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