Monday 10 December 2012

Evaluation of the student magazine cover and contents page!

To the left is a screen grab of my front cover whilst I was in the process of designing it. It shows a series of different tools that I used to make my magazine front cover. I firstly added the main image,  and I sized it too fit within the size of the A4 page on indesign. I then added my masthead and I used the 'Swatch' colours to design the colours for the text in which I chose red and green to fit the theme of 'Christmas' for my magazine. I also used the shapes to help me with me puff/plug. 

To the right is the finished draft of my contents page for my student magazine. I firstly used the different fonts to choose which font I liked, and then I used the colour 'Swatches' to change the colours to red and green to fit with the 'Christmas' theme. Lastly, I placed my images around the text which helped too complete the layout of my contents page. Without the tools I wouldn't have been able to finish the front cover and contents page of my student magazine.

<-- These are the tools that I used on indesign to design my student magazine front cover and contents page. 

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