Monday 18 March 2013

Double page spread preparation!

What type of double page spread do you intend to create?
My double page spread will be an interview with Amber (the person who I photographed for my music magazine.) She will be talking about being on tour, how she got signed and romance. The left side will be an original image of Amber, and the right side will be the interview in a question and answer format. This helps the audience to find out what the 'newest indie artist' is like, and it will give all her fans the gossip. As my magazine is aimed at teenage girls aged 14 to 19, I feel as if this will entertain them. Not forgetting my secondary audience, teenage boys also aged 14 to 19; who I also think will find this entertaining. 

How you intend to incorporate original images?

I intend to incorporate original images by using a main image on the left hand side of my double page spread. The image will show Amber looking natural, and it will be a long shot so that you can see her whole body. This will give the audience a closer connection to Amber, because they will be able too see her style. (The clothes that she is wearing.)

How will you obtain information and images for your feature spread?

For images, I will take them myself of Amber. I only want too use one image for my double page spread, as I want most of the focus on the interview. For the information, I will use questions that are often used in magazines, I want them to be informal and chatty and I will write out the interview before I put it on to my double page spread to make sure that it sounds right.

Visual style?
The theme from the front cover and contents page will be consistent on the double page spread, with the use of the same colours and fonts; this helps it too look like a real magazine. The layout will be simple, and easy to read; I don't want my interview squished on to a page as the audience may find this hard to read. As it is aimed at younger people, it needs to include a variation of colour to keep them interested. Also indie magazines tend to have eye-catching interviews, this helps to keep the audience interested.

What style of writing you intend to use?

The writing style will tend to be informal and chatty because it is more entertaining. Formal interviews tend to be boring, and a lot of the time the audience members don't read the whole thing. I am writing informally because I want my audience to read the whole interview, and to be interested in Amber's music and lifestyle. It is also aimed at a teenage audience, therefore the words can't be formal or scientific as they may find such words hard to understand.

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