Monday 14 January 2013

Target Audience: Representation (Equality and Diversity)

1. How might you ensure you target a secondary audience?

Although my main target audience is aimed at teenage girls ageing from 11 to 17, who are into indie music and upcoming indie bands; I also have to think about a secondary audience that may enjoy reading my magazine. For example: teenage boys, even though my magazine is going to have a lot of feminine images; I am going to include different pages that are aimed at both genders. 

It is important that when I am designing my magazine, that I do not alienate people who the magazine is not aimed at. I am going to add things to the magazine that boys would also enjoy reading, because boys also often listen to indie music. I might also add things that are aimed at an older audience, because I never know who may buy my magazine. Even though in the media it is shown that indie music is aimed at teenagers, and you wouldn't think that an older audience would usually associate with a teen indie magazine; it may be in their interest. 

The images I will use are going to be modern and simple, it will be an image of a teenage girl who sings indie music. The font I choose to use will be modern and you will be able to tell that it is aimed at teenagers, because it will be colourful and eye catching.

2. Consider how the genre is represented?

My magazine is aimed at teenage girls so to show this, I will be using colours which are usually associated with girls. For example: Red and Orange.
But as I have to think about a secondary audience I will also usually colours like Green and Black.
As it is aimed at a teenage audience, the main image is of a teenage girl who sings indie music. I have chosen to use her because by using a teenager, the audience will feel like the magazine is up to date with their age and they will be interested in the music magazine.
My magazine is going to be aimed at all ethnicities and sexualities, and this will be shown in the magazine because their will be images of people within a different sexuality throughout, and singers of different races shown throughout the magazine.

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