Thursday 17 January 2013

Music Magazine: Proposal

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? 
The genre of my magazine is INDIE, and as soon as you hear the word 'INDIE' teenagers come to mind. Therefore, my magazine is aimed at a target audience of teenage girls ageing from 14 to 19. But I have to take in to account a secondary audience, which will be teenage boys and anybody else who listens to INDIE music and chooses to buy my magazine. I am going to make sure that I do not alienate my secondary audience, so everything I do with my magazine will be aimed at teenage girls mostly but I will not forget my secondary audience. My magazine is going to be diverse.

What will your magazine be about?
My magazine is a music magazine which is going to be based around the genre of INDIE. It is going to be about indie music and a lot of other things that the teen audience will find interesting. Such as:

  • Indie music.
  • Upcoming gigs and artists.
  • Reviews.
  • Boys/Girls.
  • Instruments.
  • Competitions.
  • Advise.
  • Interviews with celebrities.
  • Offers.
  • Tours.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
I want my main cover line to be at the top of the page, and I want it to be big and eye-catching so it catches the readers attention. I want it to be funky, in a teen text sort of way; so that it fits with the audience genre of teenagers. I want it to be modern. As for my other cover lines, I would like them to be placed around the page rather than just on the left-side because that is what every magazine does, and my aim for this magazine is for it to be different. And I want a dateline at the bottom right of my front cover. I would like them to be orange and black, but this could change.

What title have you decided on and why?
I have decided on the title 'Infinity' (symbol: ∞), because it refers to something without any limit. And I don't want my magazine to have any limits, I want it to pass the limits and continue, therefore it is infinite. I also think that this title is different and pleasing to the human eye. I was going to use the title 'Elite' but I realised that it didn't have any meaning, and it was unrecognizable. 

What fonts do you want to use?
Below I have attached an image of the different fonts that I may use, I might not end up using these but the one I do use will be very similar; as these are exactly what I want. They are eye-catching. The middle one is my favourite, and the last one is my least favourite.

 How frequently will it be published?
My aim is for my magazine to be published on the 1st of every month. I would like for it to be frequent, and I hope my audience do too. I'm yet to take it into consideration, but I may have a different colour theme every month so that it is always different. 

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
The image on the front cover will be of a friend of mine named Amber, who is sixteen; also studying Media. 
My plan is to do her make up and outfit and make her look like a young artist that sings indie music. I will take the photo myself, on my camera; and I am going to put a lot of time and hard work in to the image, because it is the one that everyone will see. I want it to be different and again, eye-catching.

What are the dimensions of your cover?
The dimension of my cover will be a standard A4 page. This is the only thing that I want to be simple, and you can still fit everything on to the page. I do not want it all to be squashed together, as this will make it hard for the audience to see everything.

What images/colour would you use on your contents page?
For my contents page I want to stick with the colour of black for the font, and I want to add some blue. But there will also be the previous colour of orange that I am using on the front cover on different areas of the contents page. As for images, Amber will also make an appearance on the contents page but I will take other photos of different friends of mine who will be dressed as singers, or maybe even bands and these will be on the contents page. 

What are your ideas for a double page spread?
My double page spread will be an interview with Amber; she will be talking about her music, gigs, romance, friends and make up. There will be different photos of her during the interview placed around the page, and her name will be used as the cover line across the first page of the double page spread. There will also be other cover lines for when the subject of the interview changes, so that the audience can chose what they want to read. I will use black for all the font, and an eye-catching colour for the coverlines. I may use some orange and purple on this page because she is girly and confident, and girl teenagers will enjoy this.

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