Friday 18 January 2013

Research and Planning: Task 2, Report

Report into target audience:

Pop music:

Audience- Mainly teens or young adults. Both girls and boys. Pop music is probably the most well known genre of music, and is listened to all around the world by many different cultures and ages. 

Rock music:

Audience- Rock's main target audience would be along the lines of 20-50 years of age. Usually men, but sometimes girls.

Rap music:

Audience- Rap music is listened to by many individuals around the world. Rap is defined as poetry. It is listened to by people of different races, genders and ages. Many people associate rap music with African Americans but this is not always the case. Usually within the ages of 13-50.

My genre:


Audience- A surprising amount of people listen to indie music. It is a popular choice of music, but not as popular as POP music.
Most, if not all, of the who listen to indie music are hipsters. Hipsters, however, is a fallacious term, since they aren't really following the most popular trends at all. A more appropriate, yet less accepted, term for this type of person is elitist. It is both girls and boys between the ages of 14 and 25.
A small percentage of people who listen to indie music are categorized as scenesters, or scene kids. 
Typical indie concerts have a crowd made up of 65% hipsters who stand in the front drinking beer, 35% scene kids who sit in the back and talk while the band plays.
This has helped me to get a clear understanding of who my target audience is. 

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