Tuesday 16 April 2013

EVALUATION: Question 1

Question 1: In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My product uses conventions of real media. It does this by using things that you would see in or on a real magazine, for example:

1. A barcode:

You see these on every magazine that is sold in shops.

2. Puff/Plug:

You see offers like these on most magazines, it makes the magazine more popular. 

These are only few of the conventions I have used that real magazines also use.

My product challenges some conventions that you would see on a real media product. It does so because it isn't set out like a real magazine, I have made a lot of changes that you wouldn't see in a typical magazine.
For example, my contents page. You wouldn't see a contents page like mine in any well-known magazine, it is different; but in a good way. Most contents pages are the same, simple and easy to read.
For example: 

Q Magazine

As you can see the layout is very good, yet simple. The colours are well-known, they haven't gone out of their comfort zone to try something different. 

When making my magazine I realised I wanted it to be different to other magazines. I didn't want it to be the same as the ones in the shops, because most of them are the same and I wanted to produce a catchy magazine that in my mind would be very popular to a young audience. I challenged the conventions of media products (magazines), by doing this because my magazine is very different. The colours orange and black aren't colours you'd usually use in a magazine, and they aren't colours that would particularly be aimed at a girl audience. I chose these colours because I wanted them to be different, and aimed at both girls and boys. So whilst choosing my colours, I took into account my secondary audience.
By doing this it also develops the conventions of a real media product, because I have taken some of the things from a music magazine in shops and worked on them to make them different. 
For example, for my PUFF/PLUG I haven't put a ''puff'' around it because I didn't want it to look like every other magazine with a chance to win something. The way I have done it is simple and more pleasing to the human eye, because it doesn't stand out in a shocking way but it is still something that would make you want to buy the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophia. Just checking the blogs. Yours is looking good but make sure you get the evaluation on here and completed
