Wednesday 17 April 2013

EVALUATION: Questions 4 & 5

Question 4: 

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My music magazine is aimed at teenagers aged between 14 and 19, mainly being girls but also including boys. My target audience are INDIE/HIPSTER teenagers.
Below are annotated images of the type of audience members that my media product is aimed at. They also show what INDIE teenagers look like because too some it may not be clear. 

1) Primary target audience - teenage girls.

2) Secondary audience - teenage boys.

As my magazine is aimed at INDIE/HIPSTER teenagers, the music they listen too is INDIE music. Mainly the bands and artists that are mentioned in my magazine. Bastille, The XX and Jamie T

They like to be different. They tend to do things that involve fun, eg. Skateboarding, BMX'ing, Festivals, Gigs and Tours 

As the age I have chosen for my target audience is 14 to 19, they are most likely to be students. Although they are in the same age range, the things they do everyday are likely to be diverse. For example: School, College, Full-time job or University

Question 5: 

How did you attract/address your audience?

There were a number of things which I used too attract my audience. The main thing was the artists I used on the front cover, which is what everyone will see. I had to make sure I chose the right bands and artists that fit the genre of my magazine, and I also had to make sure that they were ones that appealed to my target audience. For example, Bastille, The XX and Jamie T are three artists that I mentioned on my front cover; they are all indie artists. I had to be careful what I included on my front cover because it is the first thing that the audience see, it is what attracts them to the magazine and makes them want to buy it. Another thing I used to attract the audience were the colours, orange and black. You often see black on magazine, but you rarely see orange. I chose orange as it matches the colour of the hair on the model I used throughout my magazine. I feel as if orange is an eye catching colour, and it stands out; but it isn't too harsh to the human eye. I also used a competition to attract the audience, this is something which is seen on many magazines. I used ''WIN READING 2013 TICKETS.'' Reading festival is an INDIE festival, filled with INDIE bands. The model I used also helped me to attract the audience, as she has the indie look which will attract indie teenagers to the magazine because they will feel as if they can relate too her. I also used the name 'INFINITY' which is very different and unheard of, and it is catchy.

I used these four things to attract readers, because they are things that the audience will want in the magazine.

          Infinity is a unique and different title, that you wouldn't usually see as a music magazine title.
When it comes to addressing the audience, this was shown a lot in the contents page. For example, I used the second person pronouns ''ya'' and ''you'' which helps the reader to get involved. It is addressing them in a friendly yet informal way, and in a way it makes them feel like a part of the magazine.

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