Wednesday 17 April 2013

EVALUATION: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The two media institutions I looked into were Bauer Media and IPC Media:

IPC Media
  • Usually associated with lifestyle magazines
  • Was started in the 1800's
  • IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands
  • IPC Media is the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher
  • IPC Media are made up of three divisions IPC Connect, IPC Inspire and IPC Southbank
  • Owns NME music magazine

Bauer Media
  • Europe's largest privately owned media group
  • Offers over 300 magazines in fifteen countries
  • They have radio and television stations
  • Owns Kerrang, a well known music magazine
  • Started in 1953
  • Bauer Media is a multi-platform UK based media group, consisting of many companies collected around two divisions- Magazines and Radio
Both of these media groups design magazines that target a varied range of audiences. They both also make music magazines, which helped me with my design work.
I looked at the music magazines they make, and it helped me to decide what genre mine would be and the layout and colours that it would have. 
I feel as if Bauer Media would be a good company to fit my magazine in to because it is very different. They do a lot of different work, whereas IPC Media are mainly lifestyle magazines aimed at the middle age. Bauer Media branch out with the different things they work on, and the different audiences they are aimed at. I feel as if my magazine would fit with their portfolio as it is different, like their company. Although some of the things they do like radio and television attract a younger audience, I feel as if my magazine will help them attract a young, fresh teen audience. I also feel that they could use another music magazine like mine, as it is a completely different genre too Kerrang.

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