Thursday 18 April 2013

EVALUATION: Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When looking back at my skills audit which I completed when I had finished designing my college magazine, I can see that I was able to do most things on blogger but when I neared the end I saw that I had never used photoshop before: 

The skills audit shows that I was happy to use most applications, apart from photoshop because I had never used it before. It also shows that I was unable to scan images on to a mac. This was because I was used too using a windows computer, having never really used a mac before. 
I improved my skills on a mac when I started media because I was using a mac every week to design my college magazine and my music magazine, I am now happy with being able to do most things on a mac. I don't find it hard to use anymore, and now it is simple and I feel like I can use it whenever I need too. 

When I first started the preliminary task of creating a college magazine, I had no idea on how to create a magazine or how to use indesign. I think this is shown when looking at my college magazine, because I don't think it's the best I could have done it. I think in some areas of the college magazine I let myself down because I didn't push myself to work harder and challenge myself to use applications that I was not used to using, I stuck with basics because I could understand them. I didn't use photoshop when making my college magazine, I only used indesign. I think that is why my music magazine is so much better, because I used both applications other than just the one.

When I started to create my music magazine, I used photoshop before I used indesign because I realised I needed to challenge myself and that my music magazine had to be better than my college magazine. After a few weeks of working on photoshop for my front cover, I realised it wasn't hard to use and I was extremely happy with how my front cover came out. I got used to working with the tools I had never seen before, and I I feel that photoshop really helped to make my front cover image look professional as it has outstanding editing tools. 

I then chose to use photoshop for my contents page, even though I was told not too as I may have found it too difficult. At first I did because I wasn't sure on the layout I wanted because I completely changed my mind on the flat plans. I made one contents page, and then a week later I realised that I wasn't happy with it because something wasn't right. When asking people for advice they told me it looked good but I could have made some improvements, so I left it and I went away and planned a new contents page. Whilst doing that I finished my double page spread. In the Easter holidays, I went in to college to start to design my new contents page. After sitting on a mac for four hours, it was finally done. I didn't follow any other magazines, I followed the plan that I had made in my head and on paper. I wanted it to be different, unlike every other magazine; and that is exactly how it turned out. After finishing my contents page on photoshop, I was very confident in using it. I now know what every tool is, and how to work it; I am no longer confused when I want to use it.

For my double page spread, I used indesign. I thought I was confident in this as it was the application I used before when designing my college magazine. It turns out that I had forgotten how to use some of the tools, so I had to spend a few minutes readjusting myself to the application. Once I had done that, the only thing I found difficult was trying to find how to use a ''drop down capital.'' But after asking for help, I realised how it was done. 

Drop down capital: (The M)

After designing both the college and the music magazine, I now feel confident in using photoshop and indesign. Overall, I feel as if I have learnt a lot in the progression of the magazines. I have gained a lot of experience for future work, if I ever needed to design something. 

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