Monday 19 November 2012

College magazine photography

Below are four images that I am going to be using in my college magazine:


I want to use this photograph for the main image on my front cover, because it is a medium close up. The girl in the photo has direct eye contact with the camera, and there is still space to the left of the rule of thirds for me too add cover lines and tag lines. There is space at the top of the image for me too add my masthead and any other extras I may add.


Below are three images that I am going to use on my contents page: 

I am using these three images on my contents page because they are informal and they present student life as it is. They aren't too serious for a college magazine, and the images will appeal to students because they remind them of what college life is like. The images also show the different things that you can do around the college campus.

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