Monday 19 November 2012

Initial ideas- Proposal and mind map

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? 
As my magazine is a college magazine, I am aiming it at older teens and young adults ranging from the age of 16 to 19 who are a part of South Downs College. 

What will your magazine be about?
My magazine is going to be about South Downs College. It is going to be about things to do with the college, such as:
  • Sports events.
  • Upcoming exams.
  • Drama, music and performing arts shows.
  • Interviews with students on the different courses that they are doing.
  • Offers within the Hair and make-up department.
  • Offsted and changes happening to the college.
  • Parking on the college grounds for students with bikes, cars and mopeds.
  • Information on the gym.
  • Student discount cards.
  • Trips.
  • And, general news on the college.
What are your ideas for cover lines?
I want my main cover line to be along the top of the page, and I want it to big and bold so it catches the readers attention. I want it to be red, because red is an eye-catching colour. As for the rest of my cover lines, I would like them to be on the left-side of the page. With a few at the bottom.

What title have you decided on and why?
I have decided on the title of 'South Downs Social.' I have chosen this because it isn't too formal, and it appeals to students. I have made sure ''South Downs'' is in it because the college is the main topic of the magazine, and I have used ''social'' because that is what students do most; socialise. I was going to use ''College'' but I realised this didn't hold enough detail for the magazine, and that it is a very simple title that would not attract a young audience.

What fonts do you want to use?
I have two fonts to decide from. The first one being big and bold, that would definitely catch the eye of a reader but it could be a little too much. And the second one being elegant but simple, which could be seen as boring.
Below is an example of the two fonts:

What are your ideas for taglines?
I was thinking of using ''Make your student life that little bit better'' as a tagline, because it is persuasive and it will interest the target audience.

When in the year will it be published?
I would like my magazine to be published around Christmas time, because I want my magazine to have the Christmas theme. I want to use red and white, and maybe a hint of green. And Christmas is a time of year that everybody is happy, and I think students like the idea of Christmas as it is exciting. And I will be including upcoming exam dates and times, which a lot of the time occur in January (the month after Christmas.)

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
I would like the image on the front cover to be of students, or of the college itself. I will get this image by going around the college with a Fujifilm camera, taking photos of students and the college. I want to capture an image of the students studying or eating in the canteen. 

How frequently would it be published?
I would publish two magazines a year, one in the Summer and one just before Christmas.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
I would like my magazine to be the normal size of A4, so that I can fit everything on it and nothing will be squashed together. So it will be easy to read.

What images/colour would you use on the contents page?
I would like the contents page to use the same Christmas theme, as the front cover. So I would like to continue to use the red, white and green colours. And as for images, I would like to use a number of photos of students around the college.

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