Monday 19 November 2012

Photography: Magazine layout!

Vanity Fair magazine:

Vanity Fair have used Lady Gaga on their front cover. Lady Gaga is placed on the left side of the rule of thirds, this gives the magazine a larger space to fit other things on the front. The cover line is in the middle at the top of the rule of thirds, the rest of the cover lines are to the left of Lady Gaga. The background of the magazine cover is a dark grey, therefore Vanity Fair have used white writing which makes them stand out and it appeals to the audience. Lady Gaga is wearing a black dress which makes her light hair and pale expression catch the eye of the reader, the magazine layout is simple but effective. The photo of Lady Gaga is pleasing to the public eye. Vanity Fair have shown Lady Gaga represents Vanity, therefore she is an appropriate image for the magazine.

The Source magazine:

Source magazine have put GAME on their front cover and he is in the middle of the interception points. He is the main focus on the magazine cover and the camera is very close to his face. You can see every detail and expression on his face. The coverline is at the top in the middle of the rule of thirds, GAME's face is covering the 'UR' or 'SOURCE' but you can still see what it says as it is very big and bold, and it is eye catching so it pulls the reader in. The other coverlines are spaced around his head, but most of them are on the left-third this is because it is known that the public read from left to right. There isn't any space left on the front cover, as it is filled with this image and other texts. This image isn't pleasing to the public eye, it is very off-putting as he is holding a gun which imitates violence. This image is very sterotypical of how GAME is black and he is holding a gun, whereas it isn't a white man holding a gun.

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